Setup and use a Phidget module
Before beginning you must install Phidgets drivers
Run Visual Domotique and open the window E/S. Menu Preference - E/S
- Select a Phidget
- Click on Add
- Click on Phidget InterfaceKit
- Choose the serial number in the list and drag and drop on the Serial number. I/O First number is automatically select by the program. In that case 1 - 4. Visual Domotique reserves number 1 to 200 for I/O. The numbers of exits 1 to 4 are now allocated has your module. If you do not see your module click on Update button to refresh the list of Phidgets linked.
- Validate
- Reset board
- Test the I/O
Save and close.
Create a news form. Menu File - New or button New...
Select tab visual (1) and create 4 buttons.
Open Info Inputs / Outputs windows. Menu View - Info Inputs / Outputs or F5
Select Phidget. (2)
Click on green circle (3) Output 1, the cursor of the mouse become a cross. Click then on button0. The Phidget output 1 its now drived by the button0.
repeat for the next buttons.
Click on the button Run (4) and test output with buttons (5).