Setup and use a Phidget module

Before beginning you must install Phidgets drivers

Run Visual Domotique and open the window E/S. Menu Preference - E/S

  1. Select a Phidget
  2. Click on Add
  3. Click on Phidget InterfaceKit
  4. Choose the serial number in the list and drag and drop on the Serial number. I/O First number is automatically select by the program. In that case 1 - 4. Visual Domotique reserves number 1 to 200 for I/O. The numbers of exits 1 to 4 are now allocated has your module. If you do not see your module click on Update button to refresh the list of Phidgets linked.
  5. Validate
  6. Reset board
  7. Test the I/O

Save and close.

Create a news form. Menu File - New or button New...

Select tab visual (1) and create 4 buttons.

Open Info Inputs / Outputs windows. Menu View - Info Inputs / Outputs or F5

Select Phidget. (2) 

Click on green circle (3) Output 1, the cursor of the mouse become a cross. Click then on button0. The Phidget output 1 its now drived by the button0.

repeat for the next buttons.

Click on the button Run (4) and test output with buttons (5).

Visual Domotique